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The Bell Witch in Myth and Memory: From Local Legend to International Folktale by Rick Gregory 

The story of the Bell Witch is commonly told in many different ways throughout the Appalachians and other parts of the world. The most common story starts out with a rich family buying land near Tennessee, where they took many slaves with them. The slaves started to see a spirit which we soon learn is the spirit of a witch. The first encounter John Bell had was seeing a random dog in a cornfield. Then they started seeing strange animal like figures out on the property. Eventually, one of the daughters saw a hanging girl on the property, but when the family came to see it, it was no longer there. This is when the family started to hear strange noises throughout the house. The spirit seemed to calm down for a bit towards the children, but then became more violent towards John Bell Sr. The spirit of the witch then began to tease and torment people who were involved with the Bell family. As time goes on, it was revealed that there were in fact five witch spirits, all having feminine voices that would torment the family and other people living near the area. The Bell Witch would specifically torment slaves and those who visited from out of the area. Eventually, John Bell Sr. died due to poisoning, and as he was dying the Bell Witch called out "I have got him this time; he will never get up from the bed this time." However, towards the end, people started claiming that this was a hoax, or a prank, but we will never really know the truth. 

Bell Witch Photos 

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